Hypoallergenic Cats
Having a pet, especially a cat, gives you a lot of health benefits—it relieves your stress due to the comfortable feeling you get from the thought of not being alone; it literally keeps you warm during cold weather; and it makes you happy simply for having a great company. However, this is not always the case for cat lovers who are, ironically, allergic to cats. If you are one of them, you cannot always depend your life on antihistamines. Still, you do not have to worry because with us, we can help you find a number of hypoallergenic cats that will not put your health at risk.
Cat lovers who suffer from allergies can still have cats, but they have to look for the hypoallergenic ones. These types of cat produce lesser allergen called the protein Fel D1 that is found in the cat’s saliva. This allergen becomes airborne once the cat licks its coat. If you want a cat without suffering from any allergy attack, you can choose from our list of hypoallergenic cats for sale. Some of the breeds available are Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, and Sphynx. Between the two Rex, Cornish needs more grooming and regular baths to alleviate the increase of oil on its skin. Despite being hairless, the Sphynx also needs regular baths and ear cleaning to eliminate oil build-up on its skin.
There are practical ways you can do to prevent your cat, hypoallergenic or not, from spreading allergens in your home. By bathing and cleaning your cats regularly, the allergens they produce are being reduced. It is advisable if you leave the cleaning to a family member who is not allergic to cats. Washing your cat’s bedding regularly will also lower the amount of allergens in your home.
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